Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lame O

Okay, so basically, I am a lame O blogger. Not that anyone cares really, but I look at the length of time between blog posts and I think, how boring am I. Not that it is going to get any better in the upcoming months =), but I just wanted you to know, that I know!
Caleb started Mother's Day Out last week, which has gone well so far! So, I have had a few glorious hours to myself the past couple of weeks! I've gotten some cleaning done, some decorating done, some errand running done, some birthday party planning done - it's been nice. So I thought I would share some of my recent POTD (Picture of the day) for my project life book I am working on for 2010 - see this post for more details. So love doing this for my family and it has been pretty easy to keep up with (pregnancy and all) .
Eli and Emma spent most of Labor Day weekend with Papa & Pamma - just the 2 of them! They loved it and it was pretty much all about them! These 2 are just crazy about each other - I so love the bond they have!

A peek at the finished alphabet wall and the corner of Baby Hall's room. I hate to brag, but I pretty much love how it turned out! When all is said and done, that red chair will have rocked 3 very special boys and heard many, many books over and over again!

Our first real live "out in the wild" tarantula sighting! It was literally on the street in front of my parents house! They boys were thrilled and it was all they could talk about. You know you have boys when you whip the car into the grass, unbuckle everyone from their seats and climb out with your camera. They boys wanted me to get it off the road so it wouldn't get smushed! Thankfully, it found it's own way!

Wednesday is trash day - Caleb always says "I want to see a garbage truck today". So, we look for them everywhere - we happened to be home when ours came by this week. It was a good day!

Hope you have a great weekend!


1 comment:

  1. OH MY Mercy! That is a big spider! YUCK!!! I really don't like them. But my son does. I am sure it was a thrill for them!! The babies room is so cute!! YOu did a great job!
    And the trash man...Jaden was so mesmerized by that guy when he was little...a big truck with all kinds of gadgets...a boys dream!!
