Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pregnancy Update

Okay, here is a little pregnancy update for you.

How far along: I am almost 33 weeks (this Friday) - it's getting closer people!

How is the baby: He looks great, weighs around 4 pounds

How is mom: I am doing well, survived the hottest part of summer with lots of trips to the pool!

Heartburn: daily - it's just part of it for me, doesn't matter what I eat or when I eat it.

Nightly potty breaks: I think I'm up to 2 or 3 now (was only 1 for quite some time though)

Name: still not completely decided yet. I think it is extremely hard since we already have 2 boys, every name we consider has to be tested like this "These are my sons - Eli, Caleb, and ...."

Nursery: looking so cute with the alphabet wall in place, now to go through my tub of 0-3 month boy clothes.

Nesting: definitely has begun - doing lots of organizing of Eli & Caleb's clothes & toys

Cravings: watermelon and the Spicy Chicken Sandwich from Chick-Fil-A

My view lately:

Any other questions?
