Thursday, May 27, 2010

Last Day of PreK

Yesterday was Eli's last day of PreK (sniff, sniff). I can't believe he will be in kindergarten in a couple of months. He has had such a great year and has loved going to school even if it was only 2 1/2 hours each day. Before school started last August, we prayed that God would help him find a friend in his new class. In a few short weeks, God answered in a big way - Eli met Max and they became best buddies and were practically inseperable at school! They had so much fun together. Here he is on the first and last day of school. In the journal he brought home from school, it said he had gained 5 pounds and grew 2 1/2 inches since August, but you can't really see that difference in this picture.
On the last day, they had a end of school program where they performed all kinds of things they had been learning this past year: flag salute, flag songs, color songs, days of the week, months, and abc's in sign language. It was wonderful and such a fun memory - so glad we captured it on video. Here he is performing with his class.

This next picture is not to make you sad, but to make a point. It is a HUGE deal to your kids to be there at their activities. You are their biggest fan. This sweet girl next to Eli was so upset through the entire program. Tears just streamed down her face and she didn't sing one word of any song and of course she knew them all. I'm not certain, put I am pretty sure it was because, somebody wasn't there to see her.

On a funny note though, the girl on the top row in pink kept telling her Grandpa after every song "You can go ahead and clap now Grandpa!" They were all so precious!

We had been counting down the days until the last day of school - not because Eli was ready for school to be over, but because we started a new tradition last year. Last Day of School = First Snow Cone of the Summer! Eli was so ready (okay I admit, I was too!)! It was steamy hot yesterday and we had to wait in line for a bit, but it was worth it!

I love that Eli and Caleb pick their snowcone flavor based on color! Eli asked if we could get a snowcone everyday this summer! I told him not everyday, but maybe once a week! Looking forward to a fun summer with these boys. Hope you have a great summer too!


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